Oliver Crossley
Junior Software Developer
Hi! I am Oliver, a junior software developer trained in full stack development, looking to make technology accessible to all in the modern day.

About me
A few different languages and a full stack...

Back End

Front End

A Next.Js powered custom exhibition builder

A project I did for TechReturners, which allows you to utilise multiple museum APIs to add, sort and customize your own exhibition!
A fullstack mapping web app to connect food truck to users

As part of the Northcoder's bootcamp, I worked in a group with 4 others to create an app that allowed users to advertise and find local food truck businesses.
Powered by AWS DynamoDB, Salaryman is a Discord.js virtual currency and stocks gaming bot
This is a 3-developer team building a full stack application built into the communications app Discord. With features such as currency, inventory, shops, stocks, card collecting games and more, Salaryman is a personal passion project to create the ultimate currency game for discord servers!
NC News Website
A front end for a news website

This is a small front end project done for the backend NC News API project which displays articles and their comments alongside users and giving users the ability to create and post articles and comments, with the ability to vote and rate said comments and articles.
A SQL-based backend server with information on a potential news site
A backend API that stores data on articles, reviews, comments and users for a potential news site. Allows filtering for categories and ordering by ascending and descending.